text_utils module


Remove adjectives from a list of texts and return the whole list

Parameters:full_text_list (str) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The initial list of strings with no adjectives, if successful, None if failed
Return type:str

Remove adverbs from a list of texts and return the list

Parameters:full_text_list (str) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The initial list of strings with no adverbs, if successful, None if failed
Return type:list

Remove words that are alike from the list

Parameters:word_list (str) – Arbitrary list of words
Returns:The cleaned list
Return type:list

Remove special symbols from a list of texts and return the list. (Few relevant symbols stay)

Parameters:full_text_list (str) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The initial list of strings with no adjectives, if successful, None if failed
Return type:list

Remove stopwords from a list of texts and return the list

Parameters:full_text_list (str) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The initial list of strings with no stopwords if successful, None if failed
Return type:list

Segment the text on word by word basis, while removing stopwords

Parameters:full_text_list (list) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The list of segmented words
Return type:list

Remove verbs from a list of texts and return the list

Parameters:full_text_list (str) – Text split in several lists
Returns:The initial list of strings with no verbs, if successful, None if failed
Return type:str