Source code for settings

import couchdb

[docs]def init(username = None, password = None): """ Global Initialization of settings Return the list of words closer to word1 in comparison with word2 Args: word1 (str): first word word2 (str): second word Returns: void: As it is global settings init nothing is returned """ global couchDB if not username: couchDB = couchdb.Server("") else: couchDB = couchdb.Server("http://%s:%s@" % (username, password))
[docs]def db_initialize(dbname): """ Return of single db from cauchDB server if present or creates if not present Args: dbname (str): The designated database name Returns: db (Database object): the created or retrieved database """ try: if dbname in couchDB: db = couchDB[dbname] else: db = couchDB.create(dbname) except Exception as e: print(e) return None return db